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News - "ROLL UPS" begin .....

Updated: Apr 30, 2021

You will be aware from reading the Bowls England Step 2 guidance that we are now able to recommence roll-up activities, which will be considered as “Organised (formal) roll ups” and “Informal roll ups” the details of which are contained below.

Across any form of bowls, we need to be aware of the current restrictions, use of facilities and of course individual / group safety, and for those of you who were not at the events held last weekend, please do reach out to any of the committee if you are unsure of what is required. Those leading the roll up activities will also be able to advise and guide you.

For completeness, at the moment we cannot have any more than 24 players on the rink on any occasion, whether for a “roll up” or friendly fixture against opposition.

The earliest we expect any changes to restrictions will be 17th May, and any further information will be provided on our website (


Organised Roll Ups (Monday, Tuesday and Thursday afternoons)

Very kindly, the committee have been supported by the following who will be organising these as follows:

Monday afternoon (likely 2pm start) – led by Sue Clark, and for our Ladies

Tuesday afternoon (likely 2pm start) – led by Jean French (all members welcome)

Thursday afternoon ((likely 2pm start) – led by Linda Law (all members welcome)

Our thanks to Sue, Jean and Linda for leading on this for us, and to Sue and Lorna for covering in their absence 😊

Please note that there will be a £1.50 charge for roll ups, and this will be collected on the day

We will be collating details of those attending as part of our booking system, so please send an email to the following addresses in order to register and attend (limited to 24 members each session):

In the subject line, please state “Roll Up / Date” (eg. Roll Up / Tuesday 27th April) so that we can maintain our register of attendees.


Informal Roll Ups

Informal roll ups are allowed, subject to the restrictions (and specifically the “rule of 6”

Informal roll-ups are not recognised by Bowls England as organised sport and therefore need to follow the guidance on outdoor legal gathering limits as this is considered to be self-organised sport (eg. the rule of “6”).

You are permitted to attend for informal roll ups, but not during the organised roll up sessions where it is possible that more than 24 members attend. Please also note that the green maintenance activities continue on a Friday morning, and we have triples sessions already organised for Thursday evenings.

Therefore, the green is currently available:

Monday – Morning only

Tuesday – Morning only

Wednesday – Morning / Afternoon

Thursday – Morning

Friday – Afternoon

Similarly, we will be collating details of those attending as part of our booking system, so please send an email to the following addresses in order to register your attendance:

In the subject line, please state “Informal Roll Up / Date / Time” (eg. Informal Roll Up / Tuesday 27th April / 11am) so that we can maintain our register of attendees.

One email covering the names of members attending will suffice.

It is very unlikely that more than 24 players will be in attendance to play at the same time informally, but were this to be the case at the time of booking, you will be advised


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